Ep 14 – Leadership: Who are your role models and why?

Most of us have some kind of idols and/ or role models that we look up to. In this last episode in our series about leadership Sam talks about leaders like Daenerys Targaryen, Frank Underwood, Leia Organa and Captain America and how you can improve your own leadership by listing four role models strengths and weaknesses.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/PiLxJrgM3Jk
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-14

Ep 13 – Leadership: Always be prepared to invade Canada

Time for our fourth episode in our series about leadership. This time we will talk about the importance of planning and what kind of scenarios you should plan for. And Sam also discusses why the U.S. military has a plan ready for the unlikely scenario that they would to deploy troops and attack Canada.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/UNe4ugJ8ef4
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-13

Ep 12 – Leadership: Spider-Man has got it right

Welcome to our third episode in our series about leadership. This time we will talk about Sams favorite super hero of all time, Spider-Man. There is probably almost no one who hasn’t heard the quote “With great power comes great responsibility” and there is actually a lot of truth to that quote. It has been said through out history by all kinds of people, including Jesus, and in this episode Sam explains why you should think and act like Spider-Man.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/5C-cTdkUhP0
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-12

Ep 11 – Leadership: Robyn is not a leader

We continue our series about leadership and this time we are going to talk about Robyn, the Swedish pop artist and why she is not a leader. Other than that we are going to focus on your first follower and why that person is the most important person when you are building an organisation and what you have to think about.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/HzsyS1eY33g
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-11

Ep 10 – What is the purpose of a leader?

To create something bigger than a dinner party you will need other people involved and you will therefore soon find yourself in the role as a leader. And maybe the most important tool and skill you have to master when you organise events is therefore leadership. This is the first episode in a series about leadership in which Sam talks about their view on the topic and shares their experiences from over the years. Here in episode 10 you will learn about a basic and simple idea regarding leadership but which is hard to achieve but really powerful if you do it.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/HXqpqTXMXgg
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-10

Ep 8 – Meetings are toxic

In most organisations, events and companies there exists a strong meeting culture and a lot of time is put into meetings. But how productive is this really? In this episode Sam talks about their view on meetings, explains NärCons meeting culture and why you shouldn’t have almost no meetings at all in your organisation.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/h-hoaVWk25c
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-8

Ep 7 – Why does your event exist?

What is the meaning of your event, what are your goals and in what way do you want to conquer the world? In this episode Sam explains why it is important to have a mission statement and a clear understanding of why your event exists. Many events, companies and organisations can’t answer the question of why they do what they do, but you should!

YouTube: https://youtu.be/QMo8Oj8rYoc
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organize-events-101-episode-7

Ep 6 – Bikeshed

Have you heard the story about the bikeshed? It’s a great way to explain some basic human behaviour which decreases productivity and makes you focus on the wrong things. We can see it in all organisations and companies, including events. And you like Sam are probably doing it as well from time to time and it’s good to reflect on why. If you want to read more about the bikeshed after you have listened to this episode, check out http://bikeshed.com/

YouTube: https://youtu.be/cO42Tw5VuD8
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/japan-jens/organise-events-101-episode-6/